My name is Richard Wyatt and I am a qualified Counsellor and Supervisor, with more than ten years experience and I am based in the Northwest of England.
I graduated from the University of Cumbria in 2008 with a Diploma in Counselling and I am an Accredited member of the BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy). In June 2015 I completed an APT (Advanced Professional Training) qualification in Supervision from the University of Strathclyde.
Since qualifying I have worked in drug and alcohol treatment centres throughout the Northwest, and several secondary schools. I have worked with all kinds of issues including bereavement, addiction, sexuality and gender, anxiety, stress, identity, relationships, communication and trauma. I have worked with a wide range of client groups including children, adults, individuals, groups and couples.
Before practising as a therapist, I worked for many years as a Community Support worker. I also volunteered as a School Governor, Youth Offending Team Panel Member, Counsellor and Child Mentor.
I am interested in working with people and developing meaningful relationships that enable growth and development.
I have lived in Lancaster since 2002.

Client Testimony
“I started seeing Richard as a client in 2016 at a time when I was experiencing a number of quite complicated issues, including long term codependency, the after effects of narcissistic abuse in a previous relationship and complex trauma beginning in childhood.
From previous mixed experience, I will admit to not having had a huge amount of confidence in the therapy journey, but from the first time I sat down with Richard I felt safe, respected and able to discuss pretty much anything without judgement or misunderstanding.
Richard is an exceptionally gifted therapist who is emotionally intelligent, insightful and capable of deeply understanding and empathising with a vast range of human experience, and I felt truly listened to and supported throughout the process of counselling.
As well the work that took place during our sessions, my personal experience was that much of the real work continued after the session. Working with Richard made it possible for me to start looking at my life and myself with much more self awareness, and things that had never previously made much sense about my own behaviours and emotional responses to triggering situations started to fall into place.
What I ultimately took away from working with Richard was a much higher level of self compassion and self understanding, which helped me to make some big changes to years of toxic patterns in my life.
Obviously, this kind of work is a lifelong process though, and I would not hesitate to return to Richard for the next part of the journey. Equally, I would unreservedly recommend Richard and his gentle but focused style of working to anyone with more or less any type of issue they want to work through. In my experience, complex trauma is not always widely understood or dealt with with empathy by professionals, however, Richard held an extremely safe space for me throughout the therapy process in which I felt valued as a client and was always spoken to as an equal taking part in a journey of self development, which supported me in changing my life for the better. For this I will always be very thankful.”
AK 2017